Archive for February, 2009

Credit where it’s due.

dapper_dan A problem that I often face as a reviewer is making sure I’ve got the right artist/writer credentials.  You’d be amazed at how poorly creators credit their own work.  With some artists I have to literally engaging in a bit of detective work and reseach just to give them credit for their work.  If the creators names are there there is often no mention of who is responsible for what.  This strikes me as bizarre.  Yes your art speaks for itself but it is nice to have a little recognition for all your work.  So here’s a plea to all you creative types please give yourself a clear and prominent byline.  Then I can give you the Kudos you deserve.

Hannibal Ad Portas

fireshot-capture-1-shadowline-web-comics-c2bb-hannibal-goes-to-rome-www_shadowlinecomics_com_webcomics__hannibalgoestoromeI’m not generally that Keen on historical comics unless they have cracking artwork or splendid fictionalised characters added into the mix.  Hence my love for SPQR Blues which uses a historical backdrop for its intriguing narrative.

Hannibal Goes to Rome on the other hand is purely historical but it is told with humour and flair. Brendan McGinley takes the dry as dust histories and pokes fun at the fantastical and ludicrous events that have passed down to the modern day.  Now this isn’t a laugh riot, it is occasionally hit and miss in its humour. It has to be said some of the jokes are kind of in jokes for historians (Numidian cavalry is all I’ll say)  Although I found McGinley on target more often than not.

Hannibal’s crossing of the alps is well known or should that be we’re all aware that it happened but we’re short on detail.  Well Hannibal goes to Rome has the missing detail in spades without coming across as a textbook.

That said I found the first four pages or so quite confusing as either I’m being really dense or the grammar doesn’t quite work.

What made me stay the course was Mauro Vargas artwork which brings out most of the humour in the narrative and tells a visual story that either illustrates or parodies the historical. Some of the characters do have Asterix-esque  noses but I found that strangely compelling. It is the artwork that also raises Hannibal above the humour to remain a dark and brooding presence, who is every inch the hero.

It’s an intriguing title and I’ll be keeping an eye on it to see how it develops and I may even learn something.

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The results at last!

dapper_danWell the votes are in and after a great deal of deliberation here are the winners after the jump: Continue reading

Whatever happened to the Geekies?

dapper_danYou may be wondering why there has yet to be an announcement.  Well first off a big thank you to the 44 people who’ve voted so far.  Secondly the result has been delayed due to a serious deterioration in my mental health.  I’ve been off work with depression and stress and frankly posting to a blog was last on my list of priorities.  But I’m back if a little shaky so I will be making an announcement, as to the winner, on Monday so get you votes in tomorrow.